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Trip Properties

The Trip type exposes the following members.

Public propertyactualDropOffTime
When we actually dropped them off (epoch)
Public propertyactualPickUpTime
When we actually picked them up
Public propertyappointmentTime
The original appointment time
Public propertycancelled
If the trip was cancelled
Public propertychildren
Public propertychildrenAges
Public propertyclient
The rider taking the trip
Public propertydropOffArrive
Public propertydropOffPerform
Public propertydropOffPlace
Where we are droping off the rider
Public propertydropOffWindowEnd
The end of the time window when we can drop them off
Public propertydropOffWindowStart
The start of the time window when we can drop them off
Public propertyerrorMessage (Inherited from RESTModelBase.)
Public propertyfleetmanager
The route this trip is assigned to
Public propertyinfants
Public propertynoShow
If the rider no showed
Public propertyotherRiders
Riders other than client and PCA on this trip
Public propertyPCA
If the rider has a personal care attendant
Public propertypickUpArrive
Public propertypickUpPerform
Public propertypickUpPlace
Where we are picking up the rider
Public propertypickUpWindowEnd
The end of the time window when we can drop them off
Public propertypickUpWindowStart
The start of the time window when we can pick them up
Public propertyprogram
Which program is paying for this trip
Public propertyreturnTime
Public propertyreturnTrip
Public propertyscheduledDropOffTime
When we are supposed to drop them off
Public propertyscheduledPickUpTime
When we are supposed to pick them up. Date and time in epoch (UTC) format
Public propertysuccess (Inherited from RESTModelBase.)
Public propertytokenExists (Inherited from RESTModelBase.)
Public propertytokenIsValid (Inherited from RESTModelBase.)
Public propertytravelMinutes
Public propertytripComment
Public propertytripId
ID in database
Public propertytripPurpose
Public propertywheelchairInformation
Information about the wheelchair used by rider. Needs to be own object
See Also