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AutoScheduleHierarchy Properties

The FilespecsAutoScheduleHierarchy type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDispatcherResponseTime
The amount of time (in seconds) that the dispatcher has to assign a new trip before it falls to the next scheduling heirarchy. Set to 0 for a forever wait
Public propertyDispatcherShouldSchedule
If the dispatcher should be given the opportunity to schedule new trips before the autoschedule kicks in
Public propertyDriverResponseTime
The amount of time (in seconds) that the drivers have to assign a new trip before it falls to the next scheduling heirarchy. Set to 0 for a forever wait
Public propertyDriverShouldSchedule
If the active drivers should be given the opportunity to scheduling incoming trips before autoschedule kicks in
Public propertyDriversToAsk
The top closest active drivers to ask for new trip assignment. Set to 0 to include all drivers
Public propertyEmailNotificationOfAutoSchedule
Who the system should notify that a trip has been autoschedule
Public propertyEmailNotificationOfTripsForDispatcher
Public propertyHierarchy
The order in which to apply the autoschedule heirarchy. Default is dispatcher, driver, system
Public propertyShouldSenseDispatcherPresence
If the system will attempt to skip the dispatcher if there is not an recent activity
Public propertySystemShouldAutoSchedule
If the system should autoschedule
See Also